With over 18 years of experience, Eng. Daisydaria Michelo Mkandawire has carved her career path in the field of electrical engineering, specializing in energy management, smart metering, power quality management, and distribution planning. Her journey began with a solid foundation in academia, earning a Bachelor’s Degree of Engineering in Electrical Power Systems from The Copperbelt University. Further pursuing knowledge, she embarked on a sandwich program, obtaining a Master's Degree in Electrical Power Systems from the prestigious Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology (NTNU) and Kathmandu University. She is also a Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) and has a post graduate diploma in Renewable energy from Life Academy Sweden.
Eng. Daisydaria is a Fellow member of the Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ), the highest level of membership, signifying her dedication and prowess to her profession.
She opted to transition, voluntarily, from formal employment to business. She established two thriving companies: Desire Business Solutions, specializing in Fintech, mobile money, and agency banking, and Desire Clean Energy Limited, dedicated to energy auditing, energy efficiency, and renewable energy solutions. These ventures showcase her passion for bridging the gap between innovation and practical solutions, empowering others through access to technology and sustainable practices.
Beyond her impressive technical skills and entrepreneurial spirit, Eng. Daisydaria is driven by a deep-seated passion for the future of energy
Beyond her impressive technical skills and entrepreneurial spirit, Eng. Daisydaria is driven by a deep-seated passion for the future of energy. She is passionate about smart grids, energy efficiency, clean cooking, and renewable energy technologies.
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