In helping graduates have a smooth transition from academia to the industry, LauncHER Engineers Hub organizes a 3 part webinar
series in December of each year discussing HR issues.
The first part tackles the art of CV writing with special guests educating our members on how to properly outlay the CV.
A well-written CV (Curriculum Vitae) is a crucial tool in the job search process, serving as a snapshot of skills possessed,
experience, and achievements. A effectively crafted CV can help you stand out from the competition, increase your chances
of getting noticed by potential employers, and ultimately make yourself viable for the job.
The second part of the 3 part webinar series is on job interviews. Job interviews are a crucial
step in the hiring process, providing an opportunity for candidates to showcase their skills,
experience and fit for the role. To ace a job interview, preparation and confidence are key.
In order to achieve this goal we invite guest speakers enlightening our members on how to conduct
themselves before, during and after interviews, giving them a high enough chance of securing a job.
The last part is on managing finances. Financial literacy is a crucial life skill that helps
individuals manage their finances effectively, make informed decisions, learn debt management
and achieve financial stability
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