In alignment with our vision to help young engineers navigate their way through their career,
LauncHER Engineers Hub launched it’s first ever peer to peer mentorship program. Mentorship,
a relationship built on shared experience and the pursuit of growth, plays a crucial role in
various aspects of life, particularly in professional development. For both mentors and mentees,
this dynamic provides invaluable benefits that ripple outwards, impacting individuals.
LauncHER Engineers Hub is committed in its mission to see the growth of its members by providing training of
the mentors and mentees. The program targets female student engineers with a 20% slot set for the male student
engineers. We aim to educate young engineers on the importance of embracing mentorship as it can have a
profound impact on personal and professional growth. By fostering meaningful relationships and knowledge
sharing, mentorship empowers individuals to reach new heights and achieve success.
The program usually runs from March to August with 3 weeks training of mentors and mentees with
the graduation held in August. Upon graduating, the graduands will be awarded certificates showing
completion of the program.
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