
Eng. Olga Mamonwa

A competent Engineer possessing 10 years working experience, Eng. Olga Mamonwa is a Copperbelt University graduate in possession of a Bachelor’s Degree in Electric/Electronic Engineering and a Masters of Engineering in Environmental Engineering with a focus on Environmental Sustainability from The University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Upon graduation from The Copperbelt University, Eng Olga joined Maamba Collieries Limited as a graduate engineer at the Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant. In pursuing her career further, she obtained Advanced Certificate in Project Management at Uhuru Training Institute, South Africa. She also undertook a Training for Planners for the Promotion of Photovoltaic (PV) Power Generation (Solar Training) at Japan International Cooperation Agency, Japan, and Renewable Energy Grid Planning Training at Association of Power Utilities in Africa under the African Network of Centres of Excellence in Electricity in Egypt

She was awarded a Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) Fellowship in 2018 based on the leadership role, achievements and contributions she made in the Zambian energy sector sponsored by USAID and Power Africa. She was also awarded an International scholarship in 2020 based on merit to study Engineering in New Zealand by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) New Zealand.

Her work experience includes being the Provincial Rural Electrification Officer at the Rural Electrification Authority and later serving as the Planning Engineer Grid Development and Acting Regional Manager involving planning and overall supervision of community engagement environmental impact assessments and market assessments for all REA projects in Eastern, Lusaka and Central Provinces among a few other things. She is currently the Principal Engineer- Renewable Energy at ZESCO Limited were she develops and designs sufficient programs and designs grid connected to renewable energy projects.

She aspires to learn and contribute to the development and implementation of the Zambia Electric Cooperative Development Program (ZECDP) sponsored by NRECA International