Tausi Bwalya Chamululu, an engineer driven by a deep environmental passion, embarked on a career journey marked by both unexpected turns and unwavering dedication. Starting in a branch administrator role, Eng. Tausi soon made the bold decision to follow her true passion which lay in environmental fields. Determined and driven, she joined the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) as an intern, where she embraced various projects and honed practical skills. Seeking further growth, Eng. Tausi transitioned to a consultancy firm, contributing to key environmental assessment projects and gaining valuable industry insights.
The culmination of Eng. Tausi's journey arrived with the current role as Environmental Health and Safety Manager at Zambezi Portland Cement (ZPC). Here, Eng. Tausi's expertise and dedication play a pivotal role in ensuring the company's operations adhere to environmental health and safety standards, protecting both workers and the surrounding community
Eng. Tausi's commitment extends beyond professional pursuits. Prior to ZPC, internships at esteemed companies like Konkola Copper Mines and AHK provided invaluable industry knowledge, strengthened technical skills, and fostered a network of fellow professionals. These encounters, along with Eng. Tausi's personal experience navigating career changes, feed her enthusiasm for encouraging aspiring female engineers to follow their dreams without fear. Eng. Tausi firmly believes that following one's passion can lead to a fulfilling and impactful career, a message that resonates with many seeking purpose in their professional choices.
Eng. Tausi firmly believes that following one's passion can lead to a fulfilling and impactful career, a message that resonates with many seeking purpose in their professional choices.
All things considered, Eng. Tausi's story is inspiring and exemplifies a passionate engineer's journey is marked by adaptability, dedication, and an unwavering commitment.
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